this is the rule :
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Em,em,, mumpung berkuasa… ririn mo kasih ke… aphied yang dlu juga kasih ririn award – dg maksa- hehe, debrian yang gilaaaa bisnis… tp jadi banyak duit kaya’nya,huhehehe , si bowok krempeng.. yang suka ga terima gara2 dia nabrak papan reklame dan aku ngga’, abang mxyz yang kaya’nya bener2 suka nangkring atas genteng :D (ampuuunnn bang,,,), lamda yang ngeblog newer than me, welcome lam.. wahhh… yang lain sih udah pada dapet…sapa dunk yaahhh… hm, buat bro jack yang udah bawa murid2nya ke jepang, satu lagi… buat.. buat… buat… fatan! boleh2,, yg mo lomba blog,hihihihi…
JOJO-"How To Touch A Girl"
I think I could like you
I already do
Feelings can grow but
They can go away too
You're takin my hand
Lookin into my eyes
Don't be in a rush to
Get me tonight
Feel somethin happenin
Could this be a spark?
To satisfy me baby
Gotta satisfy my heart
Do you know how to touch a girl?
If you want me so much
First I have to know
Are you thoughtful and kind?
Do you care what's on my mind?
Or am I just for show?
You'll go far in this world
If you know how to touch a girl
Do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl?
I think I could like you
But I keep holding back
Cause I can't seem to tell
If you're fiction or fact
Show me you can laugh
Show me you can cry
Show me who you really are
Deep down inside
Do you feel somethin happenin?
Could this be for real?
I don't know right now but tonight we'll reveal
Bring me some flowers
Conversation for hours
To see if we really connect
And baby if we do
Ooh I'll be givin all my love to you
You'll go far in this world
If you know how to touch a girl
*You are odd and crazy, so
whoever u be in love with, she must be the luckiest girl, boy
(hm, 21 taun harusnya man, yahh?? Wakakaka,, 21 taun! :D Hm.. Reasonnya juga.. ga bagus sih,,, tapi,, yahh,, emang begitu sih, wakakakaka.. ya sudah lahh)
10 komentar:
jojo itu yang cantik itu ya rin...
iya bukan sih...???
yang masih remaja itu kan...???
kalo gag suka kirim ke rekening Panda ya :)
plur sist.. :)
thanx ucapannya :)
jadi harus ngapain nich?
Aftur Nich... Bkn Pertamax lg..
oya..kata2ny bagus, kok musiknya gk kedengeran ya rin...???
woa..dapet juga yak..selamat..selamat!!
tuh si mxyzplk sering2 aj dikasi ginian,rin..biar ga mulu stress dia ma postingannya..hi..hi..
ini mana ini authornya ga pernah ninggalin comment... kecewa ah ah ah... ahahahahahaha...
ya ya ya
baru pertama kali nih,
jd salam kenal aja ya
thanks awardnya.. tp jujur aq belum ngerti award-awardan n hrs gimana kl dapat. (o'on ya ..?!). biar gmn yhanks deh .. tar aku cari tahu dari googling ..
Eh, aq blom pernah denger Jojo sebelumnya... abis ini aq mau berburu ahhh.. siapa tahu ada di google juga ..
se-x lg Thanks... ya..
Ya... nie... sama aqu juga bingung... belum ngerti....
Zangan di kirim ke saya yah... he he
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